Toruń, 15.12.2014 r.
Zakład Energoelektroniki TWERD
Michał Twerd
ul. Konwaliowa 30
87-100 Toruń
Request for Proposal
The company Twerd Power Electronics is accepting proposals to arrange an Economic Mission for two employees form the company TWERD in China, for specific days and places.
- This is an open and competitive process.
- Proposals received after 12:00pm/noon PST, Wednesday, December 31st, 2014, will not be considered and will be returned unread.
- The proposal must not contain the signature or stamp of a duly authorized officer or agent of the company submitting the proposal, can be send in an electronic version, by e-mail.
- The proposal must not contain the signature or stamp of a duly authorized officer or agent of the company submitting the proposal, can be send in an electronic version, by e-mail.
- The price you quote should be inclusive. If your price excludes certain fees or charges, you must provide a detailed list of excluded fees with a complete explanation of the nature of those fees.
- The company TWERD will not negotiate order terms upon selection, that is why you should provide your very best offer.
- For the chosen offer the company TWERD will make and order.
- The Economic Mission of two employees of the company TWERD should have the result of meeting new potential partners in China, who will be interested in buying, selling or producing of TWERD’s products.
- The Economic Mission is arranged as a part of Operational Programme - Innovative Economy (OPIE), Priority 6. Polish economy on the international market, Passport to Exports Measure 6.1 OPIE
- Two employees from the TWERD company, to achieve the goal of the Mission, should meet as many potential partners as its possible (at least 8).
- The TWERD company has a special interest in the companies from: Beijing, Yantai, Weihai, Shanghai, and most of partners should come from those cities.
- It has to be assumed, that the two employees will have to travel into different cities.
The proposal must contain costs as below:
- Plane tickets for two TWERD’s employees from Poland to China and from China to Poland. Economic class. The best solution for the company are direct flights, but no others are excluded.
- Accommodation in hotels located in the cities, where the meetings will take parts. Single rooms, internet access and a possibility of buying meals, if it’s needed.
- Arranging meeting with potential partners – the list of the potential partners should be given to TWERDs employees after they land in China.
- Arranging the Economic Mission, incl. all materials and additional travel costs, if needed.
- The Mission should take place between February 3rd 2015 and February 20th 2015 and should contain exactly 10 overnights.
- The dates are not fixed, because of different flight dates from different airlines.
- Because of large distances between the Chinese cities and the culture differences, that often requires joining business talks with long evening meetings we assume, that there could be not possible to arrange meetings with potential partners every day of the Mission, but we require at least 8 meetings with different potential partner during the Mission.
- The RFP is dated December 15th 2014.
- Proposals are due not later than 12:00pm/noon PST, Wednesday, December 31st, 2014.
- Proposals will be evaluated immediately thereafter.
- The name of the candidate firm who has been selected will be decided on the same day, the choice will be confirmed and proved with a choice protocol signed by the commission.
- The commission: Mr. Michał Twerd, Mrs. Justyna Bieńka
- The chosen candidate firm will be informed by sending an order.
- All candidates have the right see into the choice protocol, after the winner will be chosen.
Because the Mission is arranged as a part of Operational Programme - Innovative Economy (OPIE), Priority 6. Polish economy on the international market, Passport to Exports Measure 6.1 OPIE, no budget can be showed.
The following criteria will form the basis upon which the TWERD company will evaluate proposals. The mandatory criteria must be met and include:
- An original, copy of electronic version of your proposal must be received not later than 12:00pm/noon PST, Wednesday, December 31st, 2014
- Deliver proposal to the attention of:
Zakład Energoelektroniki TWERD Michał Twerd
ul. Konwaliowa 30
87-100 Toruń
Poland - Deliver your proposal in writing (mail, fax, post or personally by TWERD company)
- The proposal should meet all criteria named at RFP.
- The proposal should contain prices for points 4 a-d of the RFP.
- Only full proposals will be evaluated. By “full” we mean proposals which fulfil all points of RFP.
- The price is commensurate with the value offer by the proposer.
- The only choice criteria is the price. The TWERD company will chose the lowest price offer.
The contact person for this RFP and all proposals, who can answers all questions is:
Mrs. Justyna Bieńka, mob: +48666067279, e-mail: